Enjoy your library

Dear humans, we are still in a period of time that we are integrating the light frequencies which have already entered our bodies. So as we spoke about last week, your body’s may be tired, hungry or feeling empty. Or suddenly full of energy, new inspiration and ready for the next step. We are here to show you that you need time to integrate these very high frequencies. We cannot repeat it as many times as possible, but you need time and rest to integrate these wonderful frequencies, but we also would love to give you some advice in case you are feeling stuck or lost:

Remember that these new frequencies are holding a lot of new information. So you can say that you are living in a library and it is up to you if you want to read or feel this information in inside your library. You need time, space and attention, your full awareness to fully understand the information. That is why it is so important for you to take pauses in your life and to read and feel the information available in your body. 

The light frequency downloads are going quite fast. So imagining you book shopping but not reading any books just yet. That means that your library is asking more and more of you to stand still and to see what you have activated already in your body. So much information available for you! 

Sometimes it happens that you feel stuck or lost that you don’t understand the information available for you and we are here to give you some advice. What happens then the body contracts? As you can say when there is too much information there will be blockages in the body so you need to stand still and feel the blockage in your body. On your planet blockages in the system are mostly noted as a ‘problem’ or a ‘sickness’ or something what isn’t flowing inside your body. But we say: in a blockage there is so much information available! The only thing we ask of you is to be curious and to listen to this blockage.

On your planet it is quite easy to just be blocked and continue with your life. You can live like this for quite some time and your physical body will scream and shout for your attention. To truly listen to this important information available in this blockage. So please try to stand still and to listen and bring all your awareness to this blockage. And here comes the shift: don’t make yourself smaller and shift all your awareness only to the blockage. Please remember that your light body is is so much bigger than the problem itself. So when you look at the blockage a new book or new information can be released. It’s so much easier to listen to your blockages just by remembering that your light body is light and it gives space. 

So the blockage can feel that it’s truly here met with intention and also ready to release its information. So instead of focusing on the blockage, focus on your light body: You are focusing on the space being available so the information can be felt, read and fully understand. So remember that when you focus on your light body you are saying YES to yourself. 

YES you are ready for new information, you are ready with a curious vibration to read yourself. So especially in your world where the light downloads are going quite fast please be curious to all the information available. 

Sometimes that means resting and listening deep within. Just allowing yourself to breathe in your light body. Giving space so the information can be released. Please enjoy your own library so much information in all your cells.

– A channeled message from the Council of Light

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