Rebalance your energy

Yea! De ademsessie Rebalance your energy, inclusief openingschanneling met de Council of Light staat online. In deze sessie openen we een magisch veld met elkaar, waarbinnen wij je begeleiden met adem en spirit.

Malou start de sessie met een channeling en Lo neemt je vervolgens mee in de bewust verbonden ademhaling. Om deze sessie terug te luisteren en hier vanuit de comfort van je eigen thuis aan deel te nemen, heb je geen ervaring nodig. Wel is het fijn als je relaxte kleding aan hebt en een plekje voor jezelf hebt gemaakt waar je ontspannen kan liggen.

Als je het spannend vindt, kan je er ook voor kiezen om niet verbonden, maar simpelweg bewust van je ademstroom, aanwezig te zijn en de informatie binnen te laten vallen. Je eigen adem gade slaan is meer dan genoeg. Er zit zo veel schoonheid in het volgen van ons eigen tempo, het vinden van precies die balans die bij jou past. Dat is de uitnodiging van de sessie en daarin kan je ook tijdens het terugluisteren oefenen.

Hieronder lees je de opening met de Council of Light uitgeschreven terug. Voor de gehele ervaring kan je de sessie hier op YouTube terugluisteren.

“Dear humans,

At this moment, it is a great time to rebalance your system. After last Eclipse period, intense waves have reached the earth. This week especially is a great week to integrate this energy. So let’s see if you can sit and allow yourself to relax.

The higher vibrations which are coming to earth, are helping you to shine your own light. And yes, this can be a different light than you think it is at this moment. 

As humans we are quite used to the lower vibrations, to suppress our light. But when we breathe and we accept our truth, expansion of our light is possible. 

So, let’s see if we can inhale this energy of resting. Allowing things to unfold exactly in the right way, in divine timing.

Which means that if you feel any suppression or blockages in your system, the right way to look at it, is to just breathe and accept that it’s there.

What if resistance doesn’t need to change.. Allow yourself to breathe and accept yourself completely.

Every resistance in your energetic body is here to teach you another lesson. That’s also why our soul chooses to be alive here on earth, to experience itself. With every experience we can discover the depth of our soul.

We are everything.

The shadow and the light.

So of course, if we suppress our shadows, feeling feelings like anger or shame, fear or doubt, we are also suppressing our light.

That’s why we ask you to breathe even deeper into your body. Your body is such a sensitive instrument. Here to sense it all.

You can learn so much of the depth of shame. You can learn so much of the depths of anger. 

It is a beautiful doorway to experience more light in this planet. If we are not afraid to change, we can handle all experiences inside our body.

In this week we ask of you, to rebalance your energy.

If you allow yourself to feel acceptance for everything that is already here, your system can learn automatically, with all waves coming in.

Allow yourself to breathe in the fullness of your body. Every blockage has so much wisdom from within.

Especially this week, peaceful energy is coming in, the energy of acceptance. If we can allow our systems to receive acceptance, our body can rest, and restore balance.

So when you breathe today, see if you can allow yourself to be in acceptance. Intense waves have reached the earth, now is a great time to integrate.

We can reach the Earth quite simply this week. That is why we ask you to really trust deep intuition in this week. This is not a week for action, it is a week of understanding. 

So wait, and give your body enough time to rebalance itself.

Allow yourself to breathe.”

Meer ademsessie kan je vinden op het YouTube-kanaal van Lo.
Meer channelings en transmissies kan je vinden op het Youtube-kanaal van Malou.

Daarnaast ben je natuurlijk heel welkom om live met ons te werken. Welkom bij de procesweekenden, jaartraining, masterclasses en ademopleiding!

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